Author Archives: Karen Dennison
Practice, Practice, Practice Your Quilt Blocks
Mastering quilting starts with learning the basics. And with perfecting the execution of those basics. Is it difficult to do? No, but it does take practice. Basic techniques are available everywhere, YouTube, Online Quilting Classes Membership, various blogs, pay per … Continue reading
Copyright and Quilt Block Patterns
Intellectual property is an important issue, especially for artists. Just like physical property, intellectual property should include legally protected ownership. Someone stealing ideas and selling those ideas without the creator’s permission, knowledge, attribution and/or compensation is theft as much as … Continue reading
Starting Out Planning
Let us go back to the beginning. What is the intended purpose of your stunning new creation? I am going to make a baby quilt for a friend’s new grandbaby and I want to make a companion Grandma lap quilt … Continue reading
Jump Right In And Start
There is no better way to learn a skill than to jump right in and start practicing it. Sewing is no different. Here are some of the steps, which you should be doing right now: — Choosing designs Everyone starts … Continue reading
Start Quilting With The Best Equipment
The art of quilting is making a comeback. Instead of being something that “my grandma used to do” it is becoming a mainstay in the modern and contemporary art world. It, of course has always been a necessity in the … Continue reading
Christmas Fabric Choices
I have the privilege of knowing some really special people and 65 of them are so special that I feel compelled to create something stupendous for them for Christmas. This takes a lot of planning and scheduling. This year I … Continue reading
Christmas sewing begins with the ideas
This year was going to be different!!! I would not be finishing up Christmas sewing projects Christmas morning. I would be finished by the end of November. I had a plan. I had a calendar and it had a bunch … Continue reading
Invitation to Christmas Challenge
For our Christmas sewing challenge, all you need to do is go to and sign up for your free membership. If you are already a member, simply log in. Write in your page, a blurb with your end of … Continue reading
Introduction for Christmas Challenge
The membership part of Online Quilting Classes is offering a Christmas Sewing Projects Challenge. It will consist of 1. Committing in writing to our Christmas sewing goals 2. Setting out a plan and calendaring our milestones 3. Tracking … Continue reading
2014 Christmas Sewing Challenge
100 Days until Christmas!!! We are starting out 2014 Christmas Sewing challenge. Join us as we get more done, get it done on time and have fun supporting each other in our quest. If you aren’t a member of Online … Continue reading